
Category: Linocutting Blog

  • Wretched site indexing 🙂 and an art Exhibition

    I’ve not posted for awhile primarily because I have been trying to workout why google won’t index my pages. It rather helpfully told me the there were redirect problems without giving any clue to where they were. I’ve been through the webpage 5 or 6 times and think I’ve sorted it but as it days… Read more

  • Printing with Fatigue and poor Concentration.


    Today is a tired day. I am slow and my brain is fogged. You’d think this would be a bad day for wielding a small gouge and carving lino, if only for the risk to fingers. Bizarrely the mono-focus on helps drive out everything else and while the fatigue is not better, it’s more bearable.… Read more

  • Linocutting and Printing – Why do I love it?

    Welcome back. This is my second entry into my blog. I’ve been messing with wordpress and I think I sort of have a handle on it now. I’ve got a sign up page for email updates that I think is working and links to my social media. All fairly standard. I’ve been making a new… Read more

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