
Printing with Fatigue and poor Concentration.

Today is a tired day. I am slow and my brain is fogged. You’d think this would be a bad day for wielding a small gouge and carving lino, if only for the risk to fingers. Bizarrely the mono-focus on helps drive out everything else and while the fatigue is not better, it’s more bearable. For some reason I am typing this whilst fatigued, so I’ve already had to correct the spelling of every other word so far. I’ll show you what I’ve done today (I’ve already spent hours on it this week):

I thought it was finished but I think I will do a reduction print and add colour so the wall stands out better. I’m a little undecided.

For those who haven’t come across reduction prints it’s where you print in one colour, then remove part of the block and reprint in the same place in a new colour. It allows images with multiple colours. It’s a destructive process so once you’ve done it there is not going back but it produces some nice effects:

The hardest part is to line up the images each time. Definitely not something to do when fatigued. There are tools to help that I will go through when I next post hopefully as I make the Great Wall of China image even better!

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